Elementor button widget no longer shows option to set a size


Elementor button widget settings.With the free version of Elementor, it is possible to add a button widget to a page. For example, I use this button on my homepage at the bottom so that people can click through to more blogs.

Elementor always had the option that you could change the size of the button to:

  • Extra small
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
  • Extra large

These are standard sizes that are fine in most cases.

But since version 3.19 or 3.20, this option has been removed as a “Tweak”. The reason I mention 2 versions is because the change is mentioned in the changelog of both versions.

On the internet, I have not been able to find any reason why they removed this option. I have also contacted Elementor Support, but the only response I get is “this is what is supported now” with a link to their documentation.

Solution – workaround:

Fortunately, there is a simple quick-fix or workaround that you can use by following the steps below. The implemented restriction only applies to new buttons. Buttons added before Elementor version 3.19 still have the “Size” option.

Version 3.19 was released in January 2024. So you need a page in Elementor where you added a button to before January 2024.

Handy to know is that Elementor allows you to open multiple pages side by side in the same browser.

  1. Log in to the wp-admin environment of your website
  2. In the first tab of your browser, open the page where you need the button
  3. In the second tab, open the page with a button added for January 2024
  4. Now right-click on the button widget from step 3
  5. Click on “copy” and go to the first tab of the browser
  6. Right-click on the page where you want to place the button widget
  7. Click on “paste” and the button widget will be added
  8. Click on the button so that the button’s settings are displayed on the left-hand side
  9. Now adjust the “size” if necessary


There is a small side effect to this workaround and that is that you should not set the “Size” to “small”. If you do that then the option to set the size disappears. Did you do this by mistake? Then press Ctrl + Z on the keyboard to reverse the step. The setting will also reappear.

> Read my other Dutch blogs about Elementor

Solution – Font size and padding:

Of course, the solution above is not “the” solution. After all, the functionality officially no longer exists. Follow the steps below if you want to set the size of a button the correct way. By the way, this is not a new functionality. It has been there for years and offers more flexibility.

  1. Log into the wp-admin environment of your website
  2. Open the page to which you want to add an Elementor button widget
  3. Add the button widget
  4. Click on the button widget so that its settings are displayed on the left side
  5. Click on “Style” in the upper left corner of the button widget
  6. At “Typography” you can define how big the letters should be
  7. At the bottom under “Padding” you can add a number to set the width or height
  8. You can click by “Padding”at the right side on the anchor icon to set individual numbers

Tested on:

WordPress 6.4.3 met Elementor 3.20.1

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